Given the very rapid growth of this wonderful technique that is psycho-bio-acupressure (PBA), both in France and internationally, it was decided to set up a structure to bring together, support and protect practitioners and trainees, as well as disseminate and communicate information about PBA.
This institute was created in May 2012, and the entire team of volunteers has since worked hard to offer its members as many services as possible.
Institut Delatte’s aim is to:
The institute organizes and manages all activities related to PBA to guarantee the best-quality training and information for all.
It is also a guarantee for trainees, practitioners and all those who wish to know more about the technique that someone will be available to answer all their questions and requests for information.
Institut DELATTE de Psycho-Bio-Acupressure (IDPBA) centralizes course enrolment and the payment of training fees.
To find out more, go here.
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